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Embracing Imperfection: My Journey of Leadership, Empathy, and Growth

I'm a yoga teacher, wellness coach, and educator, and things aren't perfect because we help people. 

I struggle with fear of commitment 

I struggle with a lack of motivation

I struggle with consistency

I struggle with decision fatigue

I struggle with imposter syndrome and doubt (I'm my own worst critic) 

I struggle with over-thinking 

I struggle with people-pleasing 

I struggle with overcommitting myself with tasks/work

I come with life experience, with trauma, trust issues, anxiety

I have been through things that only a handful of people know about

Things aren't perfect over here. I am human. But these struggles are my superpowers. To me, these are not burdens but gifts- the heart and soul that allow me to pour into others. I choose to turn my struggles into my strengths. I'm not a victim because these experiences allow me to move with purpose and understanding. Without them, there is no way I could do what I do. So, I thank God for my experience and count my blessings every day. I'm just a human on a journey to understanding myself in relation to life and others. It's okay to be a leader and be deeply flawed. In fact, it's what fuels my passion and empathy to work with, lead, teach, and learn alongside others.

Leading is not about being perfect or always having it all together- if it were, I wouldn't be doing what I do. I choose to hold the hand of others while they struggle or seek guidance because, honestly, chances are I've faced similar struggles myself. This shared experience drives me to do this, not just as a job but as a calling. I've come to understand that it's about connecting, relating, empathizing, understanding, and saying, "Hey, I've been there, I've got you. You're not alone." 

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